
5 Reasons to Consider Total Knee Replacement

Dec 11, 2023

 5 Reasons to Consider Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement surgery may require months of rehabilitation, but plenty of advantages make it worth the time commitment. Explore the benefits of replacing your faulty joint with surgery.

Severe damage to the knee joint can be irreparable with nonsurgical treatments alone. The pain can worsen by the day, and the combination of discomfort and stiffness can render you immobile. If you haven’t had much luck managing arthritis or a knee injury with weight management, joint injections, and other treatments, an orthopedic surgeon can evaluate your knee and decide if you can benefit from total knee replacement

Our expert team at North Point Orthopaedics in Munster and Crown Point, Indiana, provides highly effective total knee replacement surgeries to restore your joint function and your quality of life. They also support you through the rehabilitation that comes after total knee replacement so you can take full advantage of your prosthesis. 

Typically, you must meet multiple criteria to need total knee replacement. Read on to review five important reasons to consider total knee replacement for yourself. 

1. You experience a lot of pain

Knee pain can worsen over time the more your joint withstands wear and tear. Whether your pain originates from arthritis or an old knee injury, relentless pain is a valid reason to talk to your orthopedic surgeon about total knee replacement. 

This is especially true if your pain is limiting: If you can no longer scale the stairs in your home or walk your dog around the block without your pain intensifying, total knee replacement could reduce your pain and increase your functional independence. 

2. You have chronic inflammation

Swelling around the knee is typical with arthritis and chronic injuries and can often be managed with rest or anti-inflammatory medications. If your knee is always swollen and other treatments don’t decrease the inflammation, total knee replacement may be the key to alleviating these symptoms.

3. Your knee issues don’t improve with nonsurgical care

Many people with arthritis and other forms of chronic knee pain are able to slow the progression of damage and control symptoms using nonsurgical treatments and lifestyle modifications. Your physician will likely start you off on a personalized treatment regimen that includes nonsurgical components like:

  • Activity modification
  • Weight management
  • Cortisone injections
  • Viscosupplementation, in which hyaluronic acid is injected into your knee
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Bracing

These treatments work best when used in conjunction but may still fall short of improving your quality of life. 

4. Your knee shows visible wear or destruction

While evaluating your knee with imaging tests like X-rays, your physician can determine the extent of the damage that’s been done to it. Joint aspiration may be used to collect a fluid sample from inside the knee joint, allowing your doctor to analyze the synovial fluid in your joint and assess your arthritis. 

If your physician sees substantial damage within your knee, they can determine if there is enough damage to warrant surgical intervention. 

Another visible sign that you should consider total knee replacement is knee deformity. If you experience substantial pain and stiffness along with your knee bowing inward or outward, visit us for an evaluation. 

3. You have trouble completing daily tasks

Knee pain can interfere with your ability to take walks, put on socks, clean your home, or engage in physical exercise. If knee arthritis or injuries prevent you from fully engaging in your life or reduce your independence, total knee replacement and post-procedure rehabilitation may be the next logical steps. 

Talk to an expert today

Our orthopedists are ready to examine you and evaluate your knee pain. Request an appointment online or over the phone today at North Point Orthopaedics to find out if you’re a candidate for total knee replacement.